Your Employees’ Aging Loved Ones May Be Affecting the Health of Your Business
Between paperwork and sales goals, many of your employees are also managing the care of a senior loved one. In fact, the National Alliance for Caregiving estimates that 50 million Americans currently are providing care for an adult family member. Employees in this situation often are quietly struggling to cope with tasks and decisions they are not prepared to handle. Stretched beyond their limits, family caregivers face elevated risks to their physical, mental, emotional and financial well-being. Employees overwhelmed by senior care can hurt your business. My Health Care Manager’s Eldercare can help.
Increase productivity. Improve retention rates. Impact your bottom line.
My Health Care Manager provides Eldercare to help your employees and your business. When you add this benefit to your portfolio, you will be giving employees the expert guidance and support they need to effectively care for their aging loved ones, without compromising their work performance. Employees who take advantage of this benefit will be paired with a personal Care Manager, who will assess the senior loved one and act as an advisor and advocate to both create and help administer a successful care plan. By enabling your employees to balance their senior care and work obligations, you’ll be reducing absenteeism and raising performance, which directly impacts your bottom line.
Add Eldercare to your benefits portfolio. Call My Health Care Manager at 800-499-8020 to get started or email us with questions. Watch the Eldercare video to learn more. (Links to: video)