Our Benefits

If you or someone you know needs our services, we'd be happy to talk with you. We help families nationwide, no matter where you live in the U.S. You can call us or fill out the form below, and one of our Health Care Managers will contact you to learn more about your needs and concerns. My Health Care Manager respects your privacy and will never share your name or any other information with any other company, agency, or web enterprise. We will never sell our client database.

CALL US: (317) 598-8921 or (800) 499-8020

(Fields marked with an "*" are required.)
Your first name*
Your last name*
How should we contact you?*
(Can select either or both)
Email   Phone
Your email address *
Your preferred phone number(xxx-xxx-xxxx) *

Services for:
That person's first name
That person's last name
That person's address
Best time to call you
How did you hear about us?
How urgent is your need?
We would like to know more about your situation. If you have specific questions, please ask them here. We will discuss these when we call you.
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My Health Care Manager and the My Health Care Manager logo are trademarks of My Health Care Manager, LLC.